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Posts mit dem Label photography werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 22. April 2019

Zuerst Neuseeland und jetzt Sri Lanka:

Es ist ein schändliches Verbrechen Menschen umzubringen, die noch dazu in ihren Gotteshäusern beten, und das aus einer kranken Ideologie heraus.

Lasst uns bitte nicht spalten von solchen radikalen Strömungen und geben wir jeglicher Hetze in unserer Gesellschaft keine Chance!

Der Glaube an Gott eint uns Muslime und Christen. Lasst uns jetzt mehr denn je zusammenhalten!

Die Neuseeländische Ministerpräsidentin Jacinda Ardern hat es uns vorgemacht: Lasst uns sie als leuchtendes Beispiel nehmen. Jetzt mehr denn je: #weareone!

Dienstag, 26. April 2016

Mihrab painted by my pupils at Islamic school

This is the mihrab my school children painted in art class. For those who don't know, it is a niche in the wall of the praying room that indicates the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca.

Montag, 1. Juni 2015

Taking a Sunday Noon Walk in Vienna's first district

It was not my intention, but somehow I traced the three monotheistic religions, beginning with a sad part of Austria´s history.

Tourists waiting in front of the Anker Uhr for the day´s highlight: At every full hour you can see another personality passing the bridge escorted by a suitable background music. The highlight is at 12 o'clock noon. At this time you see a parade of famous characters from history.

St. Georg´s Greek Orthodox church at Griechengasse reminds me a bit of a mosque, perhaps because it was built for the Ottomans.

And finally, this Church reminds me of Italy, because of the big place in front of it. There was a choir singing inside the moment I took the photograph. I liked to hear the silent voices coming from within.

Sonntag, 17. Mai 2015

The sound of falling raindrops is one of the most beautiful sounds to me.

My private little garden in the city consists of a few flower boxes in my windows. There is so much joy in watching the plants grow.

Freitag, 15. Mai 2015

Montag, 13. April 2015

One week later, day 18. : can you see the broom hanging in the full bloom?

Is this correct? Doesn't matter! At least I hope you understand my English.
This was the last time I saw the broom hanging in the tree. It found a new home and a happy owner.